A Leader in Technology Recruitment! We are an executive search firm focus on mid to senior level positions. Please leave your questions and contact information, Our Professionals will be following up with you in 24 hours.

Geeker Consulting

The quality, integrity and expertise of our consultants ensure that we provide the best leadership solutions for every assignment.

Our consultants are highly qualified and possess deep industry knowledge relevant to our client’s business to allow us to better understand your needs.

Industry Specialization

Our Expertise in Technology

  • IT Services
  • Software
  • Business Intelligence
  • Big Data
  • Mobile
  • Internet

Submit CV

To select candidates for our clients that match their requirements perfectly, our consultants develop an in-depth knowledge of the operations and culture of the organisation we are recruiting for. Leave your resume with us. Our consultants will contact you if there are any opportunities that match your skills and knowledge





Why Geeker Consulting?

  • Most employees have a Bachelors Degrees with IT majors
  • Specialist teams with sector and functional knowledge
  • Approach all clients needs uniquely to ensure the solution delivers optimum results
  • IT expertise ensures candidates are searched, reviewed and retained to achieve goals and create value for the client
  • Serving Fortune 500, medium size businesses and entrepreneurial start-ups
  • Fast turnaround increases performance
  • Only relevant candidates submitted to clients
  • Cost-competitive solutions while still producing quality outcomes
  • Guaranteed delivery
  • Customised programs tailored for the client
  • Methodologies drive exceptional results
  • Strong internal processes supporting best practice
  • Over millions candidates available to us
  • Long standing network of passive candidates
  • Pre-screened, thoroughly analysed candidates
  • Typical salary range 200K - 4Million RMB


Executive Search
Candidate Datebase
Resume Customize
Social Network
Reference Check


Contingency Recruiting

Paid upon the successful hiring of a proposed job applicant.

Retained Search

Charge an upfront fee to the client to conduct a search.

Exclusive Search

The job will only be filled through Geeker Consulting firm.

Database Search

The search base on Geeker's Database.

Social Network Recruitment

Sourcing or recruiting candidates through the social platforms.

Reference Check

Contacting previous employers of a job applicant to determine his or her job history. Also include checking with school(s) or college(s) attended by the applicant to verify educational qualifications.

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