JD of Quality Assurance

POSITION:    Quality Assurance LOCATION:    Shanghai, China     JOB TYPE:     Software Engineer COMPANY:     A global top ERP solution provider KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Participates in project-level verification activities (reviews, inspections, and walkthroughs) to become familiar with the project requirements, design, etc. Work with business analysts and developers to identify functional test cases that will determine whether the project satisfies its requirements…

JD of Senior Engineer

POSITION:    Senior Engineer LOCATION:    Shanghai, China JOB TYPE:     Software Engineer     COMPANY:     A global top ERP solution provider INTRODUCTION/OBJECTIVE: Under moderate supervision, performs professional software engineering functions outlined below. Moderately complex programming functions are performed independently. Prepares technical documentation, and performs unit and possibly integration testing. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Performs maintenance and enhancement of new or existing software systems…

JD of IS Application Manager (SAP)

POSITION:    IS Application Manager (SAP) LOCATION:    Shanghai, China JOB TYPE:     In-house SAP Manager COMPANY:     A global Prestige Brands group/ Luxury Industry KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Has the ability to collect, identify, filter and formalize process and applications evolution needs and then convey them to appropriate organization Manage Regional Application evolutions (Great Plains, RMS, SAP, Cognos, X-net etc.) Train and…

职位描述 互联网产品部经理

职位名称:    互联网产品部经理 工作地点:    亚太区 公司性质:    互联网行业公司   工作职责 负责研究与推进公司网站产品战略、产品文化,制定并优化产品目标 负责公司相关产品定义,包括客户需求分析、设计与之符合的产品核心信息、制定产品版本定义,与产品推广、营销、技术支持等相关部门共同合作,确保符合客户要求的产品顺利上市 负责参与并协同品牌活动的策划,制定相应的产品价格、促销及组合形式 根据产品需求,撰写详细的产品流程设计文档、产品界面及原型设计文档,提供交互角色分析演示 负责关注竞争对手和用户的产品信息反馈,分析并提供应对方案,改进相关产品 负责相关产品开发项目周期和进度协调,并确保对产品开发至最终上线运营,对完成进度和质量负责 负责对用户需求、市场需求和业务需求进行调研分析,不断优化产品,提升产品质量,提高用户活跃度 产品开发过程中,与研发、设计、测试部门沟通,协调时间和资源,确保各个部分对文档的理解一致,监督产品进度和质量 任职资格 本科以上学历,互联网产品经理3年以上工作经验,要求提供产品原型作为参考 熟练使用Axure Visual PPT、Visio等原型图绘制工具 熟悉产品市场运作流程,特别对金融产品领域有较深刻的认识 博彩相关行业经验,优先考虑 善于思考,思路敏捷、善于沟通和交流,执行力强 较强的观察力、分析能力及组织协调能力,具有高度的工作热情和责任感 具备相关金融产品管理经验者优先 深刻理解互联网行业运作,对优秀互联网公司有深入认识,有较强的大局观 对互联网发展动态、新产品有浓厚兴趣及深入研究,有客户端及社区工作经验者优先