JD of APP产品经理

职位名称:    App产品经理 工作地点:    杭州 工作类别:    产品设计/产品运营 公司性质:    国内领先互联网公司   工作职责 负责无线产品规划、需求管理、竞品分析 负责撰写产品需求文档(PRD),并和UED团队合作制定交互需求 负责用户的跟踪、用户数据收集以及用户需求的反馈 负责和公司内部无线团队的产品级合作 负责和渠道、市场、运营以及研发团队一起保证用户的活跃度增长   任职资格 对用户需求敏感,重视无线App产品的细节体验,对户体验把握精准; 极佳的行业视野,有很强的需求分析及产品规划能力; 责任心强、重视团队合作,具备良好的协调能力,能承担较大的压力; 对数字娱乐行业有深刻的了解和独特的见解 有较强的沟通能力、表达能力、文字描述能力;  

JD of安卓开发工程师

职位名称:    安卓开发工程师 工作地点:    杭州 工作类别:    软件开发 公司性质:    国内领先互联网公司   工作职责 根据业务需求,基于Android平台进行应用程序开发; 参与移动平台软件框架的研究,设计和实现、关键技术验证和选型等工作; 带领并指导开发工程师、程序员进行代码开发/单元测试等工作; 参与移动规范制订、技术文档编写。   任职资格 本科及以上学历,计算机或相关专业; 两年及以上手机应用实际开发经验,至少参加过一个完整的商业级手机应用或游戏开发项目,一年以上Android平台开发经验优先考虑; 熟悉Android OS系统体系结构、framework、以及底层库; 熟悉Android下联系人、电话、信息、数据库等常见应用实现机制; 熟悉Android下网络通信机制,对Socket通信、TCP/IP和http/https有较深刻的 理解和经验; 熟悉Android平台UI设计,熟悉常用布局; 理解面向对象设计的基本原则,熟悉常用的设计模式; 个性乐观开朗,逻辑思维强,善于团队合作。

JD of Senior Technical Developer

POSITION:    Senior Technical Developer LOCATION:    Shanghai, China JOB TYPE:     Technical Leader REPORT TO:    Local Managing Director COMPANY:     Premier Global Algorithmic Trading firm INTRODUCTION/OBJECTIVE: The company has an incredible new opportunity in the Shanghai office for a senior technical lead to help the company build the IT team. You would join a small ‘start-up’ team, and you will be…

JD of Senior Software Engineer

POSITION:    Senior Software Engineer LOCATION:   Beijing, China JOB TYPE:   Software development/ R&D REPORT TO: Software Development Manager COMPANY:   Global asset management firm focusing on relative value strategies across a full range of financial markets. INTRODUCTION/OBJECTIVE: We’re seeking a Senior Developer to assist our growing firm. This position is an individual contributor role in…

JD of Digital Producer

POSITION:    Digital Producer LOCATION:    Shanghai, China JOB TYPE:    Digital Media / Digital Design COMPANY:     A European digital media group INTRODUCTION/OBJECTIVE: You will be a key asset of the growing digital department ,managing websites, mobile applications and interactive installations for the prestigious clients in various industries including luxury ,automotive, non-alcoholic beverage, wine & spirits…alongside developers ,web designers and art…

技术顾问-Oracle DBA方向

职位名称:    技术顾问-Oracle DBA方向 工作地点:    上海 工作类别:    技术支持/Oracle DBA 公司性质:    全球前10大ERP公司之一, 1983年成立于瑞典,公司拥有2000多家客户,目前在50多个国家中有2700多名员工。 工作职责 安装数据库及公司应用系统 升级数据库及公司应用系统 解决客户使用遇到的数据库、中间件问题 协助客户完成系统的硬件架构 数据库优化 公司应用系统的管理员培训 与二线、R&D沟通有关客户疑难问题 任职资格 计算机专业毕业,精通英语。 具有五年以上Oracle 数据库经验,如安装,优化调试,升级及问题跟踪。 具有五年以上PL SQL相关经验。 具有ERP相关知识 具有Web-logic经验优先 具有.NET, Java开发知识优先。 具有OCP证书优先。 能够承受工作压力,合理分配时间。 具有良好的团队合作精神和良好的学习能力。 能够适应出差。

JD of Global Account Director

POSITION:    Global Account Director LOCATION:    Shanghai/Beijing, China REPORT TO:    Vice President, AP COMPANY:     Top ERP/SCM firm, a leading provider of innovative supply chain management worldwide KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Conducts oneself in a professional manner at all times with Key Account’s key management executives and internal associates. Determines, develops and executes sales process, strategy and tactical penetration plans for Key…

JD of Head of Digital Production

POSITION:    Head of Digital Production Report Line:  General Manager LOCATION:    Shanghai China JOB TYPE:     Advertising/Digital Media COMPANY:     A European digital media group INTRODUCTION/OBJECTIVE: You will expand its digital department and reinforce its international, talented and creative team of 100+ people in China. You will be an extremely focused and passionate leader, to inspire, coach and project…

JD of Key Account Director

POSITION:    Key Account Director – Lenovo LOCATION:    Shanghai/Beijing, China JOB TYPE:     Sales/Account REPORT TO:    Head of Supply Chain Management Asia COMPANY:     Top ERP/SCM firm, a leading provider of innovative supply chain management, merchandising and pricing excellence solutions worldwide KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Conducts oneself in a professional manner at all times with Lenovo’s key management executives and internal associates. Determines,…