Lesley Xiao is Geeker's Branch Manager in Shenzhen. She is an experienced and professional recruiter specialize in technology recruitment. She filled the positions in field like ERP, Software Development, Business Intelligence, Big Data, Banking IT and Internet Finance etc.
职位名称: 招聘总监 工作地点: 北京 工作类别: 招聘/人力资源/HR/集团总部 公司性质: 超大型多元投资控股集团(涵盖IT、医疗、房地产、金融等) 工作职责 完善招聘制度、招聘体系及招聘流程; 负责高端人才引进项目,拓展获取候选人信息的渠道; 优化人员甄选模式,推动面试、测评等甄选活动; 组织人才市场调研,了解人才需求状况与业内人才动态,建立人才储备机制; 制定校园招聘、实习生计划方案并组织实施相关工作; 负责人力资源的其他项目工作。 任职资格 本科以上学历,拥有扎实的人力资源管理理论基础,在人才甄选及面试技巧、人才测评等方面有丰富的实践经验; 八年以上大型企业人力资源工作经验,五年以上招聘工作经验,三年以上团队管理经验; 精通招聘模块,能有效地开拓招聘渠道,擅长从多渠道高效地获取候选人信息,有猎头背景或主动寻访人才经验者优先; 有强烈的质量意识和结果导向,办事稳重、细致; 具备优秀的分析能力和沟通表达能力,能承受较大工作压力,有良好的团队合作意识; 具备优秀的品行和职业素质,职业形象端庄大方。
POSITION: Technical Support Engineer LOCATION: Shanghai/Qingdao, China JOB TYPE: IT Support COMPANY: Global terminal operation solution provider INTRODUCTION/OBJECTIVE: We are looking for a dynamic individual with a proven track record of success as a technical Support Engineer within the software industry. You will be working in a customer support environment, consulting with customers, handling cases and providing fixes…
POSITION: Domain Support Engineer LOCATION: Shanghai/Qingdao, China JOB TYPE: IT Support / Business Analyst COMPANY: Global terminal operation solution provider INTRODUCTION/OBJECTIVE: We are looking for a dynamic individual with a proven track record of success as a technical Support Engineer within the software industry. You will be working in a customer support environment, consulting with customers, handling cases…
POSITION: Marketing Manager LOCATION: Shanghai, China REPORT TO: GM/Greater China COMPANY: A top 10 global leading ERP supplier founded in 1980’s in Sweden. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsible for the marketing of professional online recruiting services tailored exclusively to the sales and marketing industry. Develops annual marketing plan in conjunction with sales department, which details activities to follow during the…
POSITION:Implementation Consultant LOCATION: Shenzhen, China JOB TYPE: Business Analyst/ Functional Consultant COMPANY: The leader in cloud platform of global supply chain management KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Gain expertise in Company system Implementation Methodology. Understand project charter and customer needs on the project. Ability to manage customer expectations in light of current and planned solution capabilities. Actively participate in…
职位名称: 资深JAVA工程师/专家 – 开放平台 工作地点: 上海 工作类别: 技术类/开发类 公司性质: 国内领先的面向企业和开发者,提供精准位置服务运营的平台型互联网公司 工作职责 负责大型互联网平台及业务项目的开发,进行架构设计、应用设计和核心模块编码实现; 维护和升级现有软件服务,快速定位并修复现有软件缺陷; 负责互联网应用的高效、安全的运行,对代码质量和服务性能有天生的追求。 任职资格 JAVA基础扎实:精通多线程编程,面向对象设计/设计模式,性能优化; 熟悉Linux系统的使用,基本的Shell脚本编写, 常用的Tomcat / Nginx / Apache的安装配置; 熟悉Java Web开发,有良好的软件工程知识和编码规范意识,精通web软件分层设计; 关系型数据库设计及SQL,熟悉MySQL/HBase等数据和分布式存储的使用和原理; 熟练掌握目前流行开源框架(Spring/SpringMVC/MyBatis等); 具有基于SOA架构的复杂业务系统开发经验。
POSITION: Senior Technical Analyst LOCATION: Shenzhen, China REPORT TO: Vice President, Global Services COMPANY: The leader in cloud platform of global supply chain management JOB PURPOSES: Work within our Production Support team to provide technical support and advice to customer service call center and development team to analyze issues, identify resolutions, bugs or required development work. KEY…
POSITION: Data Analyst LOCATION: Shenzhen, China REPORT TO: Customer Operations Manager, Global Services COMPANY: The leader in cloud platform of global supply chain management JOB PURPOSES: Support with transaction system and CRM system for data management, analysis and manipulation. Perform a variety of tasks related to collecting, organizing, and interpreting statistical information. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Assist with CRM system…
职位名称: DBA 工作地点: 上海 工作类别: 数据库管理员/MySQL/Mongo DB 公司性质: 国内领先的面向企业和开发者,提供精准位置服务运营的平台型互联网公司 工作职责 负责DB架构设计,容灾机制; 负责现有数据系统的稳定性、高可用性、扩展性的相关保障工作及性能调优; 负责根据项目需求设计并制定数据库解决方案; 负责性能监控和调优,能够对业务需求和事故及时响应及编写监控脚本; 熟悉分布式架构与实施。 任职资格 精通MYSQL以及MongoDB运行机制、体系架构与性能优化; 精通MYSQL以及MongoDB 的管理、扩容、备份恢复原理、性能监控及数据结构优化; 精通复制、Cluster、分布式架构,熟练掌握数据库维护工具; 熟悉shell/python/c/java 其中之一,能完成DB相关自动化设计; 具有积极乐观的工作态度;能吃苦耐劳,能承担较大的工作压力; 具有良好团队合作精神和沟通能力; 熟悉 MYSQL以及MongoDB相关监控、分析、开发和管理工具; 具有良好的英语阅读能力。
POSITION: Technical Analyst LOCATION: Shenzhen, China JOB TYPE: Technical Support/ Level 2 Support COMPANY: The leader in cloud platform of global supply chain management JOB PURPOSES: Work within our Production Support team to provide technical support to a customer service call center and work with other technical teams to analyze issues, identify resolutions, bugs or required development…